NFB of Virginia
Convention - Make hotel reservations now!!
Online service lets blind
and visually impaired surf the Internet from any computer, anywhere
Timothy M. Kaine today announced an on-line resource especially designed for
seniors and adults with disabilities.
VSA arts Invites Entries From Young Artists With
Disabilities for Green Light Awards
Riders Question Need For MetroAccess Recertification
Hampton school for deaf,
blind closing in June
New Web
Community Brings Together Parents of Visually Impaired Children
National Credit Reporting Companies, Blind Community, Announce Landmark
Initiative to Provide Accessible Online Credit Reports
Stem Cell Breakthrough
Uses No Embryos
Lighthouse International Advocacy Newsletter (October
NFB Scholarship Program has
online application
Blind/Sighted Students; Sign Up for 2008 Leading the Way
2007 NFBV Convention & Employment Seminar
2007 NFBV Convention Info
Convention Agenda
A free reading service for the blind community
Haptic Clock tells time via
Rated "A" for Accessible: Movie reviews for the blind
and visually impaired
Cool New Technology
She no longer sees, but her life is vibrant
Scientists aim to cure blindness with stem cells
Scientists claim embryonic stem cell advance
How to Handi Ride – A
guide to using Hampton Roads Transit Handi-Ride System
HRT Paratransit
No-Show and Late Cancellation Policy - Effective April 15, 2002
Voice on the Go Introduces
Email by Voice - Hands-Free & Eyes-Free
Zoo Snooze Pics
National Convention Reminder and March for Independence
Sports & Recreation Division to host self-defense classes
at convention
Competition Corner The Newsletter of the Sports &
Recreation Division
Creating a Vision: Survey for Youth with Disabilities
Now Accepting Applications
for the 2007 McDonald Fellowship Program
FYI Assistive Technology Lemon Law
The National Federation of the Blind, our national
president reports on the major events of the past year
AFB Senior Site Officially Launches
I have a question about the convention this year in
Blind man teaches independence to blind client