General Assembly Adopted Budget Amendments
February 27, 2005
Selected budget amendments are described below. The House and Senate of the
General Assembly adopted all budget amendments recommended by the budget
conference committee. Many budget amendments are only language amendments
requiring a specific action not an increase in dollars. All approved budget
amendments can be viewed at
Assisted living regulations impact on services.
Item 21 #2c The Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) is to
report how the new assisted living regulations impact services.
Medicaid home and community-based waiver rates. Item 21 #1c JLARC to review the
impact of reimbursement levels on access to Medicaid Waiver services by November
Housing for people transitioning out of nursing homes and other institutions.
Item 110 #1c The General Assembly removed the $1,500,000 that Governor Warner
had put in the budget as an Olmstead initiative. The explanation from the
General Assembly is this amendment removes $1.5 million GF for a housing
supplement program. These funds are redirected to support homeless shelter
operating costs, children's services coordinators at shelters and to provide
single room occupancy housing for the homeless.@ Virginia Schools for the Deaf
and Blind. Item 136 #1c Consolidation of the two schools upon completion of a
new facility at a site to be determined by the State Board of Education. They
must consider Public-Private Education Act (PPEA) and other options to obtain
proposals for the Board to adopt by the end of July. There is a related
amendment, Item C-143 #1c that provides funds for water and sewage systems if
Woodrow Wilson Rehab Center is selected as the site for consolidation.
Commonwealth Autism Services. Item 225 #1c Provides $140,150 for this program
operated through Virginia Commonwealth University.
Alzheimer's research. Item 225 #6c Provides $80,0000 for Alzheimer's research
through the Center for Aging at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Housing needs of people with disabilities report. Item 298 #1c Report by the
Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Olmstead Advisory Committee, and
Department of Housing and Community Development due by November 1.
Mental health facilities. Item 298 #2c Requires a feasibility study to determine
if PPEA proposals could operate and maintain mental health facilities.
Virginia Department of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Technology Assistance Program.
Item 304 #1c Provides $125,000 to reduce the waiting list for services.
Newborn screening. Item 313 #1c Provides $952,807 to expand the types of
screening tests given to newborns.
Day Support Waiver. Item 326 #1c Language to clarify that the new waiver
include a continuum of day services, including day support and prevocational
services. Medicaid provider rate increases. Item 326 #6c Increases rates paid to
emergency room physicians, pharmacists, OBGYN, pediatricians, preventive and
primary care physicians, and personal care and adult day health care (this will
include Waiver respite and companion) by 2% plus the 5% already in the budget
for these Waiver providers. These rates are staggered as follows: 5% increase in
July 2005; 2% increase by May 2006.
DD and MR Waiver provider rate increases. Item #326 #12c The General Assembly
increased these provider rates by 2% effective July 1. This is in addition to
the 3% increase to be effective July 1 approved last year. This does not
increase personal care, respite or companion rates (see previous item).
Medicaid Waiver transition services. Item 326 #20c The General Assembly
eliminated Governor Warner=s budget language and funding to establish transition
services through Medicaid home and community-based Waivers for people who want
to leave nursing homes and other institutions.
Match funds for services. Item 330 #1c This amendment requires DMHMRSAS to
present a plan for consideration by the 2006 General Assembly to spend up to
$2.0 million in matching state funds in the event an individual agrees to
provide $2.0 million from private funds to provide housing and services for
mentally retarded individuals who are aged.
Report on public ICFs-MR. Item 330 #2c Report by October 15 regarding developing
community-based alternatives to the state=s five training centers, renovating
the training centers, or a combination of both. AThe report shall contain the
cost and feasibility of building community-based residences throughout the state
or renovating the existing facilities or a combination of both.
Examinations for guardianships. Item 332 #1c AThis amendment provides funding
($50,000) to pay for legal and medical examinations for no less than 25
individuals living in the community and in need of guardianship to allow these
individuals to begin receiving guardianship services.
Celebrating Special Children. Item 332 #2c Provides $75,000 for a public private
partnership to improve the availability of information to families of children
with disabilities and their service providers.
Brain injury services licensure. Item 333 #1c Provides $84,475 for staff to
promulgate regulations and implement the licensure of brain injury waiver and
residential brain injury services.@ The Brain Injury Waiver was not funded this
Community services provided by ICF/MR training centers. Item 343 #1c Provides
$400,000 to the ICFs/MR (training centers) in Hillsville and Lynchburg for
community services such as dental services, behavioral health services,
psychiatric care, program coordination and clinic services for approximately 800
people who live in the community.
Long-term employment supports for people with severe disabilities (LTESS). Item
349 #1c Provides $100,000 to expand these services.
Independent living services for people who want to leave nursing homes. Item 349
#2c Provides $150,000 for these services provided by Centers for
Independent Living. This amount is in addition to $150,000 included in Governor
Warner's budget items.
Caregivers Grant Program. Item 354 #1c Adds $200,000 to provide up to $500 each
year for caregivers who have income under $50,000 and who provide unreimbursed
care for a person who is aged, infirm or disabled.
Virginia Information and Technologies Agency. Item 362 #1c Requires a review and
marketing of the I&R webpage and 2-1-1 phone line.
Children services information and referral. Item 362 #2c Requires information
about state and local child services to be included in the Statewide Information
and Referral System as a clearinghouse.
Newspaper service for people who are blind. Item 370 #1c Provides $50,000 for
toll-free access to recordings of over 100 newspapers and magazines.