PR Newswire
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Braille for your Feet: A New World for Blind
and Visually Impaired
New ADA design standards featuring "Universal Design" allowed user groups with
conflicting needs to come to a "compromise" solution on detectable warnings.
These new standards eliminate earlier lack of continuity in installed systems.
(PRWEB) January 5, 2005 -- Since 1991, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
has created far reaching, new compliance problems for designers and implementers
nationwide. Thanks to the vague way some of the guidelines were written, the
confusion that has reigned in every state has been unending, even as forthcoming
new revisions attempt to clarify old concerns.
Every architect, public works director or commercial real estate owner has
moaned these quatrains, yet all of us have no choice but to work within them.
One of the more vexing issues has been that of "detectable warnings" or
truncated domes. These of course are the small rounded textures that go on ramps
and pedestrian access points to benefit blind and visually impaired persons or
basically "Braille for your feet."
Jon Julnes of Vanguard ADA Systems of America, a nationwide manufacturer of
detectable warnings and provider of approved details and specs says "these are
for all practical purposes, STOP signs for those with low vision or blindness.
Continuity in design, shape and texture is vital for these folks".
The early 1991 ADAAG required that detectable warnings be placed the "full width
and depth of the ramp". Due to retail building owners (think "shopping carts")
and user complaints (wheelchairs, walkers, etc.), the requirement for detectable
warnings was suspended in the mid 90's for study.
A great number of people were under the mistaken impression that the mandate had
been deleted, when in fact, it had only been suspended such that discussion
could take place among persons most affected ultimately determining a solution
that met the needs of everyone.
Blind people knew this new surface texture had already saved untold thousands of
lives all over the world, including here in the United States at transit
platform edges and the like, but the vibratory issues that followed "full width
and depth" were troublesome for those in wheelchairs. Being in such mobility
devices for extended periods of time can cause atrophy of musculature, and by
virtue, even minor vibration could cause spasms and loss of control for some
Clearly a new design standard had to be determined that met the needs of all
parties, and by July 26, 2001, the committed parties compromised, agreed to new
standards and the suspension was lifted making the requirement for detectable
warnings renewed on all public ramps and vehicular/pedestrian access points.
So, the question was no longer "are detectable warnings required?" but rather,
"what are the approved shape, size and dimensions to properly install detectable
warnings in all cases?"
The majority of states adopted the PROWAAC design criterion (2 foot deep by
width of ramp), a very small faction retained the original mandate of full width
and depth, while still others have adopted a 3 foot depth by width of ramp.
If it's true that detectable warnings are tactile STOP signs, then it's clear
they need to look and act like every other Braille sign in existence, that is,
they need to have the same textural message, and mean the same thing whether the
person accessing them is in Detroit, Miami or Tokyo. Continuity is clearly the
key. Universal design is the solution.
Again Julnes states, "If a red octagonal sign in Spain says 'ALTO', while still
another in France says 'ARRET', thanks to 'Universal Design' no one needs to
speak the language, we all easily know it means to stop."
Considering the March 2003 document from the Federal Access Board which states;
"The Board believes that the specifications for detectable warnings in the draft
rights-of-way guidelines provide a level of access substantially equal to or
greater than that currently specified by ADAAG" it becomes clear, the 2 foot
standard allows form to follow function, and at lower cost while insuring
Universal Design.
Whether on public right of ways or for the current mandate for detectable
warnings on ramps and pedestrian/vehicular way access points on private
commercial properties, finally there is clarity as to design standards for these
important additions to our communities.