2005 Conference and Health/Wellness Fair

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Dear Business or Organizations:

The Greater Hampton Roads Disability Conference will be held at Old Dominion University- Webb Center in Norfolk, Virginia on Friday March 11, 2005. This conference is the joining together of numerous organizations individual events in to one spectacular meeting of the minds, experiences and solutions for people with disAbilities. This collaboration includes some of the most outstanding organizations within Virginia and the Greater Hampton Roads area.

Hope House

Insight Enterprises

Eggleston Services

Endependence Center

VATS (Virginia Assistive Technology System)

Virginia Beach Mayor&#8217;s Committee for Persons with Disabilities VB-MCPD

CLAMR (Community Living Association for people with Mental Retardation)

Southside Transition Forum (Chesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach Public Schools)

With assistance from

Old Dominion University

Expectations are a large collection of individual&#8217;s-service providers, people with disabilities, interested family members, etc. -will attend this year. Our &#8220;YOURPOWER , YOUR CHOICE&#8221; theme shows we want every person with a disability to find a new product or service, learn from the experience of others, gain new life, advocacy or find jobs kills. Our speaking topics range in various subjects with some being in Medicine, Housing, Transportation, Assisted Technology and other subjects that affect persons with disabilities. We have scheduled a full day of exhibits, discussions and expect significant media coverage.

To insure you have exhibit and advertising space in the program please complete and return the appropriate enclosed form (s). The deadline for the participation is February 4, 2005. Should you have any questions, please contact Bob Barnaby at (757) 463-2024 or by e-mail at Thank You

Your participation and early response is greatly appreciated.

Visit our web site at for further information about the conference


Early registration before or by February 1st the cost will be only $10.00 which is cheap otherwise it will cost $25.00 in March.

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