Learn What it Takes to Successful College Student
Note: Forms in Word format and their Links are at bottom of this Page.
Who Should Attend!
A College Transition Program for Students with Disabilities
Campus of Old Dominion University
May 29 - 30, 200Enrollment in postsecondary education is steadily increasing for students with disabilities. Yet many students are not adequately prepared to deal with the academic and social demands of this environment. Say YES to College is designed to ease the transition from high school to college.
Say YES to College participants will:
¨ Meet other students with disabilities who have successfully made the transition to college;
¨ Hear a variety of speakers who will offer information and suggestions to make college a positive experience;
¨ Experience a taste of life in a dormitory setting; and
¨ Connect with other high school students who have the same questions and concerns about their readiness for college life.
Students with disabilities who are planning to secure a two- or four- year college degree are invited to apply. Applicants must be current high school sophomores, juniors, or seniors pursuing an Advanced Studies, Standard, or Modified Standard Diploma, or students of high school age seeking a GED. Participation is limited to 50 students.
Workshop topics for students include:
· Selecting a two-year or four-year college
· Understanding academic life at college
· Enjoying student life at college
· Using assistive technology supports
· Surviving the transition to college
STUDENT COST on or before May 1, 2009:
$90.00 for registration, campus lodging, and meals
Parents of students who participate in Say YES to College are encouraged to attend, as well. Parent workshops provide suggestions to help families prepare their children for college life and explore the changing roles of parents as children transition to college.
Workshop topics for parents include:
· Preparing your child for success in higher education
· Considering the best postsecondary school option
· Understanding your changing legal status
· Preparing your child for life away from home
Parents also have opportunities to interact with college service providers and college students with disabilities. If you plan to attend, please complete the parent portion of the registration form.
PARENT COST on or before May 1, 2009:
$ 70.00–84.00 per person registration, campus lodging, meals
$ 50.00 per person for registration and meals only
Visit the Say YES to College web site at www.lions.odu.edu/org/vats/sayyes.htm for a program of activities, lodging information, and registration forms.
Contact Joann Ervin at 757-683-3639, or e-mail jervin@odu.edu for additional conference information or to request an alternative format of this brochure or the registration form
Old Dominion University, The College of William and Mary, and Virginia Assistive Technology System do not discriminate against employees, students, or applicants on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, national origin, religion, or political affiliation
Forms below are the 1. Medical Information and 2. The Application Form for Yes 2009 in Word Format.
1. Say YES 2009 Medical Information Form
2. Say YES 2009 Application Form
End of Document