
Online Braille and Audio Translation. Robobraille is a free service that converts documents automatically to braille and synthetic speech in a choice of five languages. Users send in documents as e-mail attachments in MS Word, rich text, HTML or plain-text formats. A special software translates the documents into contracted braille or mp3 files.

The documents are returned electronically. When a braille format is requested, it must be rendered on a braille embosser or displayed on a braille display. Users do not need to register. The service currently handles documents in Danish, English, Greek, Italian and Portuguese; the team plans to add French, Lithuanian and Norwegian.

The Robobraille Service is run by an international consortium led by the Danish national body for young people and children with impaired vision, Organization Synscenter Refsnaes. It is funded by a grant from the European Commission. For instructions, visit

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