NFBV-Leadership Draft Board Meeting Agenda
National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Meeting of the Board of Directors May 5, 2007 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
I--Call to order
A. Invocation
B. roll call and introduction of guests
II--Secretary's Report
A. Approval of minutes from January 15, 2007 meeting of the NFBV
Board of Directors;
B. Chapter Constitutions.
III--Treasurer's report
IV--"Take me out to the ball game," Fund Raising Proposal, Maurice Peret
V--National Convention
A. On-Line registration;
B. Contributions to the White Cane Fund, tenBroek Fund, SUN and Jernigan Fund;
C. Jernigan Fund tickets;
D. March for Independence;
E. McDonald Fellowship Program, Mary Chappell;
F. Chapter participation at national convention.
VI--Division Reports
A. Diabetics Division, Bill Parker;
B. Merchants Division, John Jones;
C. Student Division, Angie Matney;
D. VAPUB, Sandy Halverson;
E. Virginia Organization for Parents of Blind Children, Andi Borum.
VII--Parent Seminar, Andi Borum, Sandy Halverson and Maurice Peret
VIII--NFBV Junior Chapter Project, Seville Allen
IX--Affiliate Low Vision Possibilities Fair for Blind Seniors, Seville Allen It--Washington Seminar, Jerry Yeager
X--High School Participation in National Student Division Seminar in Washington, Mark Roane
XI--NFB Youth Slam, Summer, 2007, Stacy Cervenka
XII--Meet the Blind Month activities, Tracy Soforenko
XIII--Vigilant Report, John Bailey
XIV--Committee Updates
A. Fund Raising, Larry Povinelli;
B. Membership committee, John Bailey;
C. Newsline, Janice Nuckols;
D. Teen Fellowship Program, Maurice Peret;
E. Scholarship Committee, Larry Povinelli;
F. Virginia State Convention Arrangements, Larry Povinelli.
XV--Other business.
XVI--Date and location of next Board meeting.