The National Federation of the Blind of Virginia Introduces Its New Membership and On-line Publication Subscription Service


By Fred Schroeder

President, National Federation of the Blind of Virginia

(703) 319-9226


September 10, 2008


The Virginia affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind (NFBV) announces that their website ( is now capable of accepting on-line subscription requests to its several outstanding state and national publications. Now, receiving these publications is just a few clicks away! 


In order to make getting NFB state and national publications as convenient to subscribe to as possible, the website of the NFB has a new webpage where those who are either new to the Federation or who do not currently receive NFB publications can simply fill in their contact information and choose which periodicals they want in the alternative formats they want.  The request form will also serve as a vehicle to harness volunteer interest as well as new and existing membership contact information so that we can streamline and update the affiliate membership database.


The subscription webpage can be accessed by going to the NFBV website at and selecting the Membership link along the left side of the page. You will then be taken to a webpage where you can just enter your information and choose which periodicals interest you. Clicking on the webpage’s SUBMIT button will automatically sign you up.


A few of the publications available when signing-up on the webpage are: The Braille Monitor: the monthly national publication of the NFB; The NFBV Vigilant, our state quarterly newsletter; and The Voice of the Diabetic, the national periodical specializing in information of particular interest to those with Diabetes. All publications are available in either large print, Braille, on tape, or via e-mail. And best of all, every NFB and NFBV publication is absolutely FREE!


On the subscription webpage, you can also choose to be added to our e-mail lists. Our lists are for insuring that everyone has the latest information about state and local happenings of interest.


The introduction of the subscription webpage to our website is just one of many enhancements planned to improve how the NFBV does its business. Our goal is to make getting the information our members need to them as quickly and effectively as possible. In addition, these improvements will also empower local chapters to more directly share their information and activities with their communities.


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